We are taught the power of our mind, which is indeed a powerful tool. Yet we were taught I think, therefore I am. It is not a true basis of who we are. Thinking can take us many places and some not so good. Our daily mind, unconscious mind sees the world through a perspective of our cultural, societal, family lens. It is not accurate always. Certainly not as a soul having an experience here in a body. When we shift ourselves from thinking we have to do to be anything and realize we are and therefore can think and do, we re-calibrate our world.
Being a spirit in a human body is a fully different experience than thinking you are human trying to be of spirit. Thoughts are our currency here. So yes the mind, the higher, imaginative mind is very much our creating tool. Our patterned, lower mind thoughts in our unconscious and running most of our life creates as well but not in the power we have. There is a huge difference between these two thinkings.. In yogic schools, there is a difference between the lower mind of patterns, survival, instinctual thinking and higher, imaginative, creative mind that is infinitely in charge of the lower aspects of ourselves. I am, therefore I think has a whole new flavor. We know this difference of the mind when we are divinely inspired, have intuition or a message of how our world could be. The Aha, Eureka, Epiphanies are of this higher mind that comes with having our soul, our spirit in charge of creation. When we exist in this running around, allowing patterned thinking that is unconscious creating, running us, our body, our emotions and world, we have little expansion and control of what is happening. We spend most of our time here, unconsciously creating. To be the I am and sit with that in stillness, is the power. This inspires our use of higher creative mind. Often we get busy and move and react and rush. Our unconscious mind kicks in and runs us. It drives our car, does our daily things as we live through the beliefs, panics of our ancestors, our odd structures that the world is this or that. Life becomes insane and we wonder, why is this happening? What is going on? We have let the lower mind run our world and forgotten we are captain of the ship forgetting to use the creative mind. Our soul and spirit that creates with the mind in the stillness, it hears then acts. This is a powerful shift in how you move in the world. Realizing all the positive things you hear people do and manifest beyond limitation is because they are operating with the captain, which is behind or in charge of the mind running the ship. This captain is not rushed, scared, worried it won't work or that it can't have what it wants. It runs in power and knows it can outlast conditions and hold true until it gets what is hears should be. This captain, this being, the "I am", behind this mind works in a slower pace, more observing, focused, calm and relaxed. It enjoys all that is and what occurs as it is moving on course. It revels in the senses, the joys, the love and pleasures of the world by being more in presence, out of time, with security that all is good and all will come to be. The rush, hurry, doubt, panic is watched and allowed to be seen and released. not acted on. The caption, rides all storms and still gets itself where it wants to go even if it course corrects and rides through big waves. This living in the captain, the "I am" place and then thinking from there produces a whole different world. We can think all kind of things and create many things with either mind. But using our thinking from the "I am" place is the power of creation we learn so much about. It is the higher mind that uses the thoughts purposefully, the imagination wisely and the joy of the adventure to advantage. Our thoughts are our currency. We need to be aware of them and where they are coming from and know we can step away from them, be still as the captain, and redirect our imagination, higher mind where we want to go. This is the profoundly different way than we were taught in school. All the great writers and philosophers have eluded to this but we were not taught this truth deeply or with enough clarity to really live this. We all use this higher mind yet we are not always so conscious how it all works here but not there. The real brilliance is the stillness, the imagining, the realizing you are the power and truly operating from there. When your not, you notice, slow back down to find that captain, the "I am " presence and begin again. I am that I am. You can fill in whatever that you want! The I am comes first. For support, a free Flow in Grace session is available! Connect with me!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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