Energy to live is the greatest commodity. Often we are exhausted by life, circumstances and it seems there is not enough time in a day. In some situations that is true but there are other factors that are so important to look at. Our emotions, energy moving can zap our energy very easily and make life seem more exhausting than it needs to be. Compounding that is our ability to connect and feel others that drains us as well.
One of the greatest learning's I had was to understand my own energy field. It is a continual learning but it is powerful. I share Aharaj Yoga in my Nature Fitness class so other can get this incredibly brilliant understanding. We lose so much energy by feeling and experiencing others and their strife, emotions and challenges. It is kind to have compassion and be present to support others. Taking in their strife, worrying about it and getting involved in things that are not ours is very much an energy loss. It takes away from energy to live our own lives joyfully. Lets face it, there are many things going on in our world that if we put time towards it when we are not fueled, we will get exhausted just thinking about it all. Being clear of what is yours to handle and what you are witnessing that others are to handle is paramount. It is as Steven Covey put it on the mental level, your circle of influence versus your circle of concern. We are concerned about many situations in our larger world, with our kids, our friends as our circle of concern. Our circle of influence is infinitely less. I have experienced that loving and kindness are the only ways to affect our circle of concern. Often letting our concern go by defining what we can influence and what we can’t is a way to lift our energy. Knowing this, what you can and can not do for another is very important. Knowing what we can do for ourselves even more important. None of us like to experience a friend or loved one in strife and we automatically move to support by lend a helping hand. However, giving love, bearing witness and showing kindness is different than getting involved, worrying and participating in “curing” or “saving” others. We often get over involved, over worried, over emotional about others stuff. It is an endless energy drain for we can do nothing to change others circumstances. We can offer advice, support and listen but after that, we are all on our own mission here. Too often, especially woman, find themselves involved in others lives beyond what is effective and lose lots of energy doing so. Not only do we have our family, our lives of challenge but then we tend to want to support and save the everything. It is our nature for we are the nourishing force but it has rules and limits. We need energy for us to move and be helpful. We need to know our limit and then our energy is stronger and used wisely, with discernment. When you truly understand your own field, how to sense and fill that for your own tasks, then you can decide when and where you overflow and support the larger circle. Sometimes you have plenty for support. Other times me are so tired ourselves and “no, I can’t” should be used to support our energy. Listening to others and then leaving it go, praying, sending light, all these things support others. We don’t have to get involved and “fix”. Men want to fix things too and often it is not our place to fix anything. It is our loving way to be present and then get on with our world and tasks. This empathic gift of being connected to each other is beautiful in its design. However, a great understanding of knowing ourselves from others, our influence from our concern is very important so we do not lose energy in over participation in others. Keeping ourselves abreast of our own limits, feelings, energy level is the only way to live with good energy more often. Many are overwhelmed by the condition of things in the world. You add that to their regular life which has learning and we are easily hindered to move in joy. With all these burdens, sorrow and challenge in our lives as emotional drains, how could we feel joy to move onward? Learning how to create joy, uplifting energy is a support to you and ultimately others. From there knowing when we can overflow to support and when we need to harbor in and renew ourselves and our love of the world saves us so much in health, happiness and ENERGY! I invite you to consider what are really your challenges in life and write them down if that works. Then list all the other challenge around you that you feel. What are you truly responsible for? What are you doing that is not really your responsibility that you are taking on as loving another, being a good friend, a good worker, a good sister or daughter, a good community member? You are a good nothing if you are over doing. You are mismanaging your energy, your attention and time. We are here to learn and find joy and love in that. We are not to be doing it all, helping all or doing for another. This is such a drain on our energy creating ill health. See clearly where you are moving beyond your limits. Truly begin to learn your concern, your influence, your involvement and be diligent in only putting our energy towards those things you can effect and move. You will find your energy of joy grows and your power to support others rightly will be greater. Your feeling others strife is a gift to know who and what needs support. Support is not getting involved, it is offering love and listening. Seldom is more truly needed. We all must do our work. You don’t need to listen either if you are overwhelmed. You can send light to others, take time to recharge yourself and find your own joy. Our most important and first task is to care for ourselves so we may better serve others in the highest, most powerful way. Play with this idea. Watch yourself get over involved, catching others emotions, seeing your ego surface as the savior and fixer. See yourself get all drama about things. Huge waste of energy and you will see it. Then you can laugh, do something to refuel or step back and redirect to taking action where it counts, where success will be had. It is a magic to know your field of energy! Play with your own true power! You can generate joy easily when you understand your limits! Beauty and Grace through Pleasure and Play Buy my book The Lotus Project Class schedule The "Room" at Meadowbrook Lyn Hicks, Health and Beauty Within Coach, Published Author, Educator and Event Coordinator at The Room At Meadowbrook in Ottsville, PA
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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