There is much uncertainty about us. Everything seems like it just may topple over. It is like being in a cosmic soup of disorganization. It is important to notice and accept this mysterious time. Evolution is occurring on many levels so we find ways to appreciate and move toward what we want despite conditions. This is how I am handling things. It is a practice or really a lifestyle.
I teach of oxytocin shifts to keep going in an uncertain world. Instead of knowing practically what may happen next we get a change to imagine what could happen next. It is an open field. No one knows for sure when stability will return. Nature always balances things out so we can know, things will work out in the big picture. That is what we can be certain about. From there it becomes a picturing of what you want or where you want to go. It takes effort to step outside of the current conditions and imagine, where do I want to go and how do I want to put forth energy in the world toward what? I chose health, beauty and water. Supporting us all easily through practical, simple ways. How are you adding to yourself and the world? To me this becomes a daily, momentary existence. Being aware now, less on automatic, is my goal. This focus dramatically effects the world with our energy. Move slower and with more precision. React less and pay attention to what is about. This observation step slows us down naturally. Automatic rolls through life unaware usually. In slowing down, we easily become aware. Breathing and noticing. I think with the chaotic world it is easier to slow down as we are in amazement and often shock of what is going on. Breath in and stop. Look around. In doing this simple slow down the world changes. We can take a minute and consider, what is the best use of my time toward peace, love and fun.....pleasure? We don't have to automatically do things toward some end that we aren't even sure of. We can notice what is, feel that energy negative or positive, watch it go by or pass through, then see how to mold it toward a pleasure, enjoyment state. Life is to be a pleasure and we can consciously look and direct our expression toward that no matter what is about. Just jump into your body and breath for a minute. You don't change outside conditions. You change inside yourself. It is not really so hard a practice once you get it going. The oxytocin state brings in a calm clarity that supports us on all levels. A healing blast of goodness, pure aliveness. This is how to move forward these days. I delight in many having epic times right now even though the world a bit disorganized. I know others going through cycles of low with illness and death. This is life. We all get our turn to move into high states than low states. It is the cycle that we are in. The game to me is to find the most pleasure in everything you can. If this is our intention, our purpose, then we can keep redirecting to breathing, choice and pleasure. Generally this is enlightenment! Pleasure is the word! Why? Because it brings you immediately into your body. I say it and I sink in. It is an energetic word like a command almost. I usually breath and start to stretch my body in small ways. I usually take a look outside and then my body gently moves to move the energy in me. I smile, and relax. Ahhhhh. Then the pleasure sound comes in, Haaaaaaaa! I start to feel my body and what pleasure feels like in the body. It is simple and now you have a good vibe, clear head and smile going. I savor in this and get the pleasure of oxytocin going. Smile in your body, it is flowing toward that easily, This is not work or a hard practice to revel in oxytocin. Your body shifts to relax and recharge.......... Now decide what is next to do. it will be clearer as you are in relaxed oxytocin. Step by step we ascend. Step by step we make a good day out of lemons. Step by step we shift our presence into our body with our mind clear and turned on. Simple the power of oxytocin and it works. This is energy management. It takes awareness, observation to slow down and bringing yourself back to pleasure, to parasympathetic nervous system before you move forward. You just flow. The flow state brings the glow state! That is how to move forward these days! Blessings to us all!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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