My newest insight invites reflection on the rhythm of life. My body, the interaction, speed of events has slowed down and my physicality experiences this new pace as rewarding. However, my mind and emotions want to be in the pattern of before. Our goals, activities, the normal life issues have completely shifted. A reorder is occurring. I find that I am observing the desire for the old pace or life comes through in my emotions and mind. My body enjoying moving slower and in a pleasant rhythm.
I am intrigued by the Gene Keys and support others to learn of themselves through them. Richard Rudd speaks beautifully of our radiance, our sparkle of self in our body as a function of slowing down. Suggesting that when we are more in sync with the Shumann Resonance of the earth, then our radiance can really share its gifts and exist wholly. I love the word radiance. I love the idea of our aura of uniqueness radiating out and influencing the world. For it to fully glow, we must be in a slower rhythm synchronized with the world, the nature around us. So many of our intuitive gifts won't really become strong if we are out of sync with the larger, natural rhythm. I notice how moving slower, in more intention is giving me a greater sense of presence and being in my body in a healthy way. I feel health, healing, rest, more meandering is supporting my vitality and happiness. It makes sense that our physical body (body deva as I call it), in moving rhythmically with the outer nature, would feel more connected and relaxed. We are made of nature and move and flow as she does. Slower works for that aspect of us that is connected to the whole of nature. The idea to be my greatest radiance, glow and vitality couldn't occur if I am moving too fast or not even noticing the rhythm of nature. It hit me as a huge realization. Yea..... this is what I am learning. To have less to do, places to go, interaction with the world has been far more challenging with my emotional and mental nature. I have enjoyed observing the desire to accomplish and move in directions that will not make a difference at this time. It is interesting coming upon myself and my ideas about productivity as we go through the virus crisis. I am finding new ways to slow down this mind emotion connection as well as redirect energy in new ways. It's as if the world slowed down and now our minds need too. Very interesting observation. The intriguing part is how relaxing and connecting to self it is to bring down all our being a notch in pace. How lovely to move and direct ourselves more consciously for we can in this moment. Using greater wit and focus on what we do and how we do it only enhances our experience and our results from any action. We are dancing a slow song now and that relaxes and resets us. Watching ourselves find a new way that works for us in greater ways. while watching the fast spiral unwind is curious. The joy being that a slower, more melodic, gentler rhythm is enlivening. I am deciding with clarity how to expend my energy and have time in between tasks. Very enjoyable reorder. I inspire you to enjoy the slow dance around us. Use it to find a more healthful, inspiring, smooth pace to glide in life. If it is in sync with the nature around you, you will feel more relaxed, comfortable and flowing. That can be a reference point for us. Let all your bodies realign with our physical pace the world has created to operate in. Use it to support yourself at the highest level. Readjust the rhythm of life to a pace and flow that enhances you on all levels. I most certainly am looking for this new song of me. I am inviting the pieces of myself that don't want to slow down or feel in resistance to this very fascinating. I feel them and allow them to move on. It really doesn't matter what we think or how we feel about it. It is here so to use this for our growth, health and development seems productive. Great connection to our true spirit and healing of our ideas that don't really serve are up for review. Make it work for you. Do we really have a choice? The choice I am making is to envision a brighter more collaborative world and find how to add something towards that. Blessings as you find your greater radiance to be in your body! More aligned, in sync with yourself and the world about you! Inviting you to shine! Health, well being, wholeness comes from alignment. Mind, body, emotions and spirit get a chance to really sync and find your intuitive connections. It is giving me great joy as well as cleansing my outdated beliefs. Very fascinating time of adjustment. I am finding it a bit sticky, uncozy yet releasing. I inspire you to do so as well! Happy Spring! For a free Flowing in Grace Session, connect with me. Check out my latest endeavor, The Magical Holistic Healing Arts, you tube and podcast showcasing different modalities of healing. Very inspiring at this time!! Myself and my daughter interview others and their art!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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