Success is an illusive word in this current world. Many still consider money the value of success but this paradigm is old and a new idea is grounding. Wealth in dollars not the only measure. Wellth of lifestyle, leisure, happiness, well being, health, friendships, enjoyment and peace. There are many people with money who are not happy. There are many with no money that are happy for they have great peace and community in life. Happiness via success, means different things to different people, depending on the values and learning each individual is seeking.
As I am in this transition, it has made me redefine what success is for me personally. I never been one who was so concerned about money. I was always cared for on one level or another, it just worked out for me to have my needs of survival met. I was always more interested in community and family, enjoying my days and my job as a flower farmer, being involved in charity or my daughter's life and activities, being at the beach with my nieces and helping others that had less than me. I had a very successful life in my eyes. As far as money, it was enough but not any extra. Now, I have to meet my needs of survival myself. I am finding ways to do that, to sustain myself and it has taken a switch to concern myself with these things. If I choose the idea society has at large regarding money, I am still finding my way. If I consider it from my perspective, I am doing the things I love and receiving great joy from them. I get caught in the mind at times and pressure myself to do more, work more and create " a successful life of money". But that doesn't work for me to achieve through that pressure and my being isn't aligned with that even if my mind tells me to be. So today, as I was studying a system as I often do, I came to a great realization about money and manifesting that has me thinking I understand it at yet a deeper level. I am a guide in life, a coach, a support person that can see the larger picture and pin point how to adjust the energy of things to create a more balanced, joyful situation. I support others to readjust their perspective quite practically. It is my gift of so much study of all systems, personalities, philosophies, sciences of health, spirituality and religion. I can read into peoples emotions, their dismay and support them to switch things up into more graceful, playful ways so life is more enticing and joyful. More of a guide as I said than a producer of things. In trying to find common ground for feeling safe and stable financially and using my inner authority of what makes me feel successful, I came to the conclusion that I attract money by feeling successful. Not successful as others but success as I define it. That energy I feel, that aura I project, brings me what I need to live comfortably. It is not the money that makes me feel stable. It is my inner stability with what I am doing that supports my survival. Not the money i receive. This is truly the way energy works and where the phrase "fake it til you make it" came from. I consider it a tad inaccurate but does state an law of "feeling: the proper conditions. "Faking" can't be done energetically. You either feel something or you don't. Pretending doesn't work with energy. It isn't about faking it though. It is about feeling the success of your choices, lifestyle, ways of each day and the measures that you personally feel are joy and aliveness or success. That is what creates the aura or energy field around you that draws what you need. This is an inside out approach and we all have heard these words but today, the deep feeling aspect kicked in yet another layer. It also was a process of giving myself permission to determine success for me and let go of the mind and the beliefs I have collected from the world. Instead of measuring myself in the mind by what the world says which contrasts in my being by what I want, I came to full alignment of energy. Do you see how I had that incongruency within that was creating two opposing energies that were fighting for the forefront? it is often the case. We set up these ideas that don't really resonate with our truth yet we were trained that way. The mind is a powerful tool, good and bad. We have to be clear on our own ideas that rings true to our whole being not just our mind which is mostly filled with beliefs and patterns that we did not create. Truly letting go of those stacks of beliefs is where freedom lies to be our best self. We are each different and the conformist ideals we were raised with only work for a few folks. Most have different values, each an individual and who is to say what makes for true happiness which to me is the definition of success. Finding that place within that gives us joy and happiness is the way to approach success. Then reworking and observing the mind and what it has to say about that and getting it on board, releasing its belief systems incongruent with what our true self desires. Some could live on a beach, play all day, waitress at night and be so joyful and filled with gratitude. Others need more items and status symbols about to feel secure and thus happy. Even then, do these things really bring us happiness and success? We see it all over the media of well to do others that are more miserable than a homeless person. We get to chose this measure of our success. Finding that alignment for yourself of what success is viscerally, in your being is the work. This will involve giving yourself permission on some level to have your way. It will also force you to drop some of your programming working against you! Then going from that place to align your mind, actions, behaviors and choices around that is what creates the aura, or magnetism to draw forth the means to express that. We were trained it works the other way and it clearly does not. I feel joyful for this learning today. I feel settled that I am a success in my world and from there the means and greater success is on its way to me. As I ride in my knowing what gift I offer, share it to those whom are seeking this energy reset, shift the world through education and service, success financially comes forward in greater ways. "Yipee"" says this Polish Princess!! For the learning and alignment is settling in and it is to my benefit. It is filling all my being so I get what I truly want and consider successful, not another's idea. They can have theirs. For mine is of me and my purpose and that thrives me more than any one else's ideas. Oolala! I love my incredible brilliance to take knowledge and practically use it to change my energy. For 2018 will have great success in it for me on my terms and that is just delicious joy. We are all creators and most important of all is to know what it is we want to create that is exactly perfect for ourselves. When you find these gold ideas, the rest is just a matter of emanating your joy for having found it!! That is the magnetizer par excellent!!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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