We all are so in our heads all the time. We have been trained that mind is our most powerful tool to solve things. At times, absoulutely, yet often we see through our fogged glasses of old patterns. The mind is one of many tools. It makes sense of our other tools but it is only one of the many we have. Our senses are very powerful and continually giving and receiving messages from the environment. With the way of the new decade, many people"s senses are sharpening and giving us great information that we may not pay attention to. Using the intuition has more power than just the mind.
The intuition is the master tool we have. It even knows beyond the current time space continuum. I have grabbed things in the morning that made no sense and later in the day, it became clear why I had something with me that I needed. So I believe it can prepare us for the future circumstances. Wild to consider but I just go with it. The intuition can be connected to and intensified. It starts through one of our five senses. Some people see things, others hear, others feel environments and there are those whose smell gives indications. To use our intuition, we need then to be aware of our senses This only comes when we are in the body, noticing the senses. As we spend so much time in our minds, not paying attention ot our senses, the first thought is to ground into our body. There are many ways to do this, nature being a simple one. What grounding means is to be in your body, not head so you are in the middle of your being. Then the 5 senses as well as the mind can inform you. We mostly ride out of our body, like in the cartoon bubble of words. It is outside the cartoon character next to the head. This visual of it, supports you to understand being in the body. If we were in our heart center or solar plexus in the cartoon, we would be centered and grounded inside our body temple. A way to get to this position is just noticing your senses. That is why nature grounds. We breath and notice with all our senses and it relaxes us, clears and brings us centered and present. We practice by noticing and getting ourselves back inside our body being. The senses the tools of the body. I have been using a practice of touching my heart as I ask myself questions or direction. This brings me into my body, into my heart which is considered a second brain of more power and the mind isn't running my way. I have played with this regarding small and little things. I take 3 deep breaths and then ask is this healthy for me? Is this my direction? Anything really! I PLAY with it.The picture above is a heart mudra. You can try that or I just touch my heart. As we ground into our body, become more present and connect with our heart brain, the answers I get are the best. I don't always listen especially at first but later I realized I heard the more correct answer than my mind said. This builds trust in using your body temple, your vehicle of the physical world more often along with our thinking. Using the senses empowers your intuition which gets stronger just by playing with it. It is easy to play with, you don't have to listen to it. Yet it will support you to be present and factor in the information you get from the world.. Learning this all 10 years ago, I am amazed at how sinking into my body, listening to my senses and using this intuition has evolved and continues too. It is a smarter way to approach life, using all the tools of awareness we have rather than just taking directions from the mind. You find more clarity, answers, joy and fun for you are actually experiencing the world more. You are noticing with the senses and this alone brings more joy. You also realize how connected we are to the world and how great our body is. We also realize Life is more magical than you knew. Our body is connected to the world in a physical way that has 5 basic ways of sensing. In being aware of these you feel the world and feel better. You participate in the environment so lightness is about and this develops your sixth sense. It just naturally comes forward for you are listening to the world. Using the heart to get answers about what you are not sure is a powerful tool. This too is tapped into your intuition so you strengthen your knowing . We all have this magical gift in our own way. Cultivating it, playing with it only supports you in life. I have found that it brings in more fun. It astounds me and then I am delighted. I am in more joy. Play with grounding and noticing your senses. Put your hand on your heart, 3 deep breathes and ask a question. See what comes and try it. It is just a new tool that supports your body being present for you are being kinestetic as well as using the emotions and the mind all together. Alignment we call this. Why not investigate? There is nothing to lose. It is all about play. It brings in more joy, lightness, fun and high vibe to say the least. I think you will awaken to the incredibly magical world around you at all times that you have missed living in the bubble words outside of your body. We have this great body! Use it for all it offers and the senses the gift of it. Your body knows how to rock the physical plane and the intuition is the leader. You will find a whole new world! You will know why I am so happy even in the darkest of times. The whole world is talking to me and supporting me. I just need to listen to it all then act! Playing with life!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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