One of the biggest challenges is our understanding boundaries! Woman, empaths by nature, struggle to be clear on their own energy and others. As energy fields, we are constantly blending with others with or without our awareness. We often start out feeling wonderful, then interact with others and wonder just what happened to our happy mood?
Understanding this energetic blend is the first step. Know that often we are feeling others, their emotions, it affects our state. Next we become aware of our own feelings from others. This takes awareness, paying attention and knowing yourself from others. Check in with yourself before you go anywhere and see where you are at. This way you can at least start to see how you are affected and create barriers to support yourself. Not all will like us, support us, enjoy us or be excited by our presence. This is important to realize so we don't set up ourselves for falter. If there seems to be a situation where this is the case, just move. There is no need to go into self questioning. Some energies just don't coincide. We realize part of our discernment is to find those that inspire us and we them. We may be around those we enjoy and they or we, may be having a challenge. This can affect us and our relationship in that moment. With awareness of your emotions, you can realize their struggle, seek to understand how to support rather than take their negativity as personal. We often inflict on those around us with a crappy mood without realizing it. It saves us drama when we are aware of ourselves. We can see others clearer and even support them by having a detached view and protecting ourselves from taking in the negativity. When we know we are going somewhere or doing something that may create a stir or we are not so comfortable, be prepared to have your boundaries set. Know your power, intention and purpose and be prepared for those who may not be open to you or your ideas. Being prepared, having an understanding that all may not enjoy and protect yourself from taking this personally, knowing those who you are seeking will find you. No need to let others differences effect your self esteem or mission just because you feel the disconnect. Preparation, awareness and protecting yourself so important. Not everyone will be in agreement or blending with you. That is part of our experience here. Realize when you are depleted. Listen inwardly to know when saying "no" is the best choice for your own balance. We have not been taught nor do we engage well with self care yet it is the key to health and happiness. Fill yourself first so you may better serve. If service is overwhelming, chose not to do it and do something to bring yourself care. You may have to bypass or release some voices in your head that tell you others wise. That is ok, We don't understand self care completely so we must change our beliefs and patterns regarding this. Say no anyway, nourish yourself and learn a wiser way to be. Your body, mind and emotions will get by the self talk to a new experience in understanding how to support others and yourself in a way that fuels all more easily, gracefully and in love. This is the greatest tool to balance. Worry is a negative use of our imagination. Often we take on others problems which is not truly supportive. Yes, help if you can but then move back to your life. Feeling their energy often makes us uncomfortable so we think we must do something. That is not necessarily the case. Listening is a support enough at times. Taking this on, moving through your day with others problems is depleting your energy. Feeling sorry for others is also wasteful. When we do that, the energetic message is that they can not solve it. It is better to understand and listen and offer compassion and support. Thinking we must help, do something is often because we took their worries into ourselves. Then we may use their emotion in our life with our problems and it is not really ours. You feel others, then drop that emapthy rather than live their experience or one similiar of your own. In knowing how they feel, detach and offer compassion. Empathy is a gift to know how to support others, not take on their worries or problems. This is a vast topic that needs greater understanding. We practice as we learn. Be gentle with yourself. See the value in this precious gift to truly offer compassion and love to others. Be aware when you are over involved. Notice when you have taken on others energy, emotions or worries. Let it go once you are aware. Pay attention to what is truly your emotion versus feeling others. Just ask inwardly and you will get your answer. Boundaries an important issue for health, well being and supporting the world. Pay attention and have fun with it!
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Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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