How can we embody a magical life with all the crisis going on around us? It is the magical question. It is a world beyond anything I lived so we need new tools and tips to roll through so much strife on the larger scale. It truly takes a practice of awareness and consciousness.
I inspire us to find the magic by looking for it. We are trained to look for problems and solve issues. Rarely do we reflect or share the magic of life. Here and there you will hear these stories but most are sharing the panic. I get it, it is all around us. Yet someone has to make this more tolerable to be in this re-creation of humanity. It might as well be you and me. Keep your eye on the prize!! First and foremost, you have to see the world as a magical place! A garden of Eden truly! How could we not with all the stories we hear, miracles, and serendipity we each have experienced. Maybe a little, maybe a lot, we all have experienced things that defy logic. We started our podcast to expand perspectives on holistic living because It is time for expansion when chaos is around. It is time for innovation, new ways and experimenting with things. It is an evolving situation so we all need to share our tips and ways we are doing it. Science has documented miracles and these can be part of our life. You can listen and join us in Embodying a Magical Life! With that in mind let us remember we have choice of attention. So much is coming at us and we must discern what to give attention too. I chose the inspiring things to tune into. I have to really watch myself to keep this directed. They have so created a cyber world that is crafty at drawing us into ads, social media, news and information. It is all an algorithm that we are in control of if we choose. So fill with the right media and information. Do the things you love and learn about them. Keep your attention, your only true tool of free will focused on what intrigues you that you enjoy! Be aware of the others but don't make that your main focus. You need others that vibe in this magical way. Those who also choose the creator position and are riding the vibe through the crazy world and releasing their outdated beliefs. Finding tribes in your interest groups keep your attention directed to the fun of life. So be weary who you listen too, play with and engage. You get to choose those who resonates with you. There is a world falling apart and a world building. Find your way to be one of the builders of new ways. In whatever capacity you can, be a builder of positivity coming forward. They are happening simultaneously so pick your program. I choose health, inspiration and paths to that. When I get bogged down in the other things, I ground myself back to being a builder of new ways. This allows opportunities and circumstances to appear for I am looking for them. You can't find what you are not giving attention to! Being a creator means tuning your attention where you want. Noticing when you are not there and redirecting back. Give yourself lots of PLEASURE breaks! This is a hairy time and I can not possibly digest all that is happening around me. When I get overwhelmed it is time to tune into nature, myself and fuel up. This fuel up, playful actions and rest are vital to keep us from hiding. When I want to hide it is because I am overstimulated. That is my signal to go have fun and stop my seriousness. It resets your whole body into our parasympathetic nervous system and creates oxytocin. This heals and rejuvenates so you can again go forward. We need this down time more than ever. Have a purpose. If anything we have learned in the last years, we want to do something meaningful that fills our soul. Perhaps it's a hobby or a charity? I need my business to be purposeful. I need it to have deeper meaning so I can stay the course and feel good no matter what the outcome of the endeavor. I have been a speaker of organic, toxic free food, regenerative farming, green living, spiritual development and now health and beauty through water. It feels good to have my heart in things. To be moved to action for I believe I can change humanity in the right direction. Health seems forefront these days and there are many options. I use online to share health and water as well as the beauty of a magical life. What are your purposes? Do they sing you? Are you looking in the right directions for these things? Email me for perhaps I can help. The last thing I would say is hydrate. It is an easy health tip on all levels. We need to be fluid during times of creation as we are in. To be dry, tight and restricted, our natural panic will not support living well. Water is one of the 5 elements and makes up most of the planet and our bodies. In spiritual circles we use it to wash away negativity and to ground into our presence. It has the message of flowing along as it does and we too can flow when we have adequate, quality water. Reach out if you want to know more! I can share my findings on water. It is a simple health hack that can change everything. Use the water element. It is the stream of consciousness on this planet. It is how everything communicates with in and without us. I inspire you to focus on things magically working out. It is the law of nature that all will balance....eventually. There is a greater harmony, unity and collaboration on this planet that we are discovering. Let us work together to enjoy all the experience even the scary times. It is the only way to see the world and find pleasure. If you don't think that things will work out, they usually won't. Give your attention to the world finding it's way. Be the change you want and enjoy watching it all mesh into place. Light to us all as we ride this new wave of creation!
I am embracing my time being alone at this moment in my life. I have not been alone much and certainly not in a relatively new area to me. I lived one place most of my life. I have friends, I have dated and enjoyed that but right now, I am in an alone phase. It is kind of strange to me. I have always been surrounded by many I love and know. There is a great freedom in it I never felt before. Yet it is a bit different.
Many woman wish they had my freedom and many I know want freedom alone. I, having been married so long and a collaborator, like partnership in all things. Careers, projects, life, I enjoy working and being with others when I do. I am more inward than most although many don't think that. As a flower farmer, I was mostly alone with nature and I thoroughly loved it. It was a playful life. Bees, birds, flowers, creatures, farm animals, it was great company. So I am used to being alone for most days but I always had my husband or friends about in a huge way when I was ready to interact. I have that here just not in the abundance I had back east. I think it is a good spot to explore and be alone as there are many adventurers here. I have been so many cool places with others. So I am not all alone. I don't have the reflection of others knowing me well and there is no child or relationship at this time that takes up my time. It is very different the last month for me. My daughter off to another country and here I can settle into myself and chose what is next. Knowing I want a partner that delights in me and I in him, I enjoy myself and explore me so I am ready to partner when the right one comes along. I have had fun looking. I am enjoying this moment to really be alone with myself. Some of the spaces I find in me are not so lovely or fun. Fears of aloneness or not having a support system crop up but I do have a support system so I just need to remind myself it is not true. I am not always sure what to do next. I do the worldly things, go to work, help others, enjoy the beauty and connect but I have more free time than ever. A normal empty nester thing. I have allowed the emotions, the inward growth to happen as I shed all expectations I had at other times in my life. As we age, we value things differently and we need the time to review and upgrade. It can be a dark time some days but I roll through them anyway. This is life. If you want to create and enjoy, you must check in to see what will bring joy now as you roll through the stages. Support being the ultimate condition we all enjoy and seek. Real support to unfold yourself as this is all we do year in and year out. Grow and expand. I think there is a natural resistance to being alone. We are herd animals so to speak. It is good to have balance and find the right mix of spaces. There are also seasons to it and this one is a Lyn creation. I consider there are not many others, so I can feel myself and create what I want and what others are pleasing. It is freeing and scary all at once. Many have the I can do it alone attitude but I never did it alone until recently. So I am still mastering this leg. There is a delight to be the sole creator with no other input. I never had that and perhaps in a way I am like a 20 year old discovering her path. As I go through the good and no so of this phase, I find it is important to love where you are. There is a divine order and path that happens and often just surrendering to it, is the plan. I think I would be more social if I had the collective to do so. I don't however want to waste my time doing things because I should or feel obligated. So I take this alone time as freedom I should use to know myself. It can be sleepy and boring at times. I think there is a purpose to that, although I am not aware of that yet. I know many woman get into this phase of mid life and wonder how to roll through. I do it by truly honoring myself for the first time. It is odd but it is freeing. I take this moment to find out who and how to express now with no obligation. What calls me to share? What gets me up and moving? What and who do I want to attract? How do I want to mingle? I have answered many of these questions on the business level and still doing that personal inventory. It is a very curious time. I send love to others doing this inward rebirth that is the path of all woman. As our children go, our careers for some, we have more time to enjoy who we are. Discover who we are. It is a process of growth and we go through the letting go of what was. The resistance to being in a free place even if we are not sure what to do. We get to investigate it. It can be really fun and the other way too. It is all part of our woman hood. None of it bad or wrong, just the process of change woman go through after such a huge role of motherhood. To mother ourselves the final stage. What a wierd twist that is! Let go of the loss, sadness or fear as the leaves fall. There is great connection in alone time. A connect with ourselves which will only bring in the best connects of others. Whether we upgrade our relationships or build new ones, the quiet alone time allows us to find peace and comfort in our soul. It allows us to rebirth again another day, another cycle. It is a quite beautiful journey to be a woman! It continues in mystery even as we age! Teehee! Once you get to the Wise Woman stage, you realize you know stuff. You share it here and there as things come up for longevity has you understanding more. I had to write about an idea that you could perhaps get when you are younger.
I have less energy for hard things so energy management is important. You know you will check out at some point so what your doing here becomes more important. The question "How do you want to round this experience out?" becomes important. It is kind of a fun point of view. You have done enough to realize that you can have the things you want mostly. You've seen many do exceptional things. Your thoughts create your experience and your more aware of the collected thoughts and your own true thoughts. With all this in mind, I offer my summation of what's important are what are you really doing? Not in terms of a job or career, but what are you offering the world? It has always been a question to me. I have loved all the work I have done as it has made a difference in the world on the health, organic, green and feminine movement. I have made impact. My energy has gone to really good things to me. It has been fun bringing in new ways and ideas about our very sacred body and divine spirit. As I go forward, I will continue to put forth energy towards those things I want to share. I don't have the constraints of doing things for ideas or cultures. I do them because it feels good for my heart body and soul. It hasn't always made me tons of money but the richness I have lived is bountiful. I would offer to youth that consider how your heart sings as you do what you do. The joy of enjoying life is far greater than any material wealth you could gain. Gain your material wealth without sacrificing life. I know many would say without sacrifice you can't gain. I look at it that if you sacrifice, it should be the things that are not good for you anyway. They are not hard to sacrifice for they are crappy habits. So keep that in mind. We are here, we have these layers of ideas, culture, genders, nationalities that all create belief systems. We mature by unloading or detangling these ideas from our own. The easiest way to do that is to find ways to enjoy yourself and do that. Your programming will come forward quickly. You can clear it easiest by going and enjoying yourself. It's like a rebirth of yourself. We change so much but in the end, age lets us know and express ourselves more authentically. Somewhere we lost our birthright of being divine. We are to have fun while we are here. Yes it may be a school but all my schooling was fun. I still enjoy learning and keeping current in my expansion. I would say, as you get older the only thing you want to do is have fun. It isn't about retirement or work, it is about doing things you enjoy. Work can be a great joy. That joy pays you big through life. It pays daily. You will have problems and challenges no matter what. So you might as well make what you do most of the day a joy for the most part. If you like it, than enjoy and have faith that it will sustain you. So many want tons of money as if it brings some more happiness. It just makes it easier to be unhappy with options of how to numb out. There are so many ways to do life and it just is not the same value and goals for everyone. It is time to really honor who we are, how we want to impact the world and how we can enjoy life more. These are my wise words. Whatever age and place, enjoy what you do. Find a way to have fun and work. These days find a way online. There is so many opportunities and if you find the right system, it can really make you money. That is what I am doing. Using the youthful online platform with a foundational product. I like what I do now too. It is different than any other work I have done but it inspires, educates, helps others and they too can join the online income I have found. It fits all the boxes of impacting the world in yet another way. So share what you love and make money doing that! The rewards and energy you get will bring in a good life. When you are in business, it is wonderful to have the learning and interaction of other business owners. The community helps you grasp things often and see yourself different than maybe you considered. Self employed people find it helpful to be part of a mastermind or group to keep them expanding, Having a team of CEOS or Board to find solutions and get feedback. In my weekly group, we talked about Why we are in business.
This question rolled through all kinds of things in me. Why do I do any of the things I do? I think 2020 supported us to realize what we missed and what we were happy to not do. I think often I did things for family or community. I was expected this or that on various levels in many kinds of situations and that was my motive. It has me really noticing why I do anything I do? Do I need too? Does it inspire me? Fill me? Exhaust me? Do I have to do it? If so Why? Am I obligated or is it just a belief I have? In this wise woman stage and my daughter just moved to another country, why am I in Colorado? Will I stay? What are my whys these days? I find this a very powerful reflection and am asking myself about many things I am doing. It has the great power in business I believe , for when it is in a lull or you feel stuck, your why you started is your lifeline. I started in water for my daughter wanted too and it hit the health and sustainability criteria for me. I also heard inwardly so many times, Get Into Water! That was the beginning why. Then I moved to Colorado during 2020 and there really was no other thing to be doing. No one was going anywhere so I was glad to have a mission and learn about this business. Then I used the water and found such a difference in energy and taste. That was a good why as I drink mostly water. Erika lost a bunch of weight. A girlfriend of hers with IBS said the water was helping her. It became about the health aspects. I didn't have the extreme skin rashes. As I learned about using the water to clean the bathroom, veggies, clothes and how to use it for mouthwash, face spray, window cleaning, over 64 uses, I was digging on the sustainability. I didn't have to get toxic products and so much was eliminated from my grocery list. As an organic grower and green gal, this was really juicing me. What a savings from one investment! Now that my daughter has moved and I am here alone, my why is even different. Yes it fits the bill, it's big ticket, lucrative, useful and now it is because I can! I can do a business online with automation and less effort on my part! I can be in cutting edge technology with product and system. I can make more money than I ever did at all the other endeavors I have been involved with. I can have a laptop lifestyle soon enough and have that freedom to be wherever I want. On adventures, visiting others and still take my phone and I can do work. My why has changed to because I can and I want to. Being in a network direct sales company and hitting top ranks making lots of money, I like that. Online training and cashflow automation. I want that now that I am alone out here. I want flexibility. I also can share this with others. Other families can get a few thousand a month to help with expenses, take vacations, do whatever with all while drinking good water. No other opportunity has the big results of this. I am in that later chapters and I want to work less and be enjoying life more. Where else can I find that? And......with training on how. I started looking at why I go dig free at the farm down the road? Because I can and it fills me. Why do I do my tai chi and shaking routine in the morning? I like it and I can do an easy workout and still look good! Why do I write? Because it fuels me and I have free time too. Why did I have a landscape job here for a bit? I wanted to be outside, reconnect with my body and the earth. Why do I get up in the morning? Because I have a great life unfolding. Why did I help my friends with kids? It is fun and silly for me. Money doesn't always run the equation although many times in life it did. But even then, most times, my heart sang from the work I did. It is powerful to realize why you do things. I have done many things for reasons other than because I can. They were more for obligation, money, social norms, so many reasons. Not that they are bad but be aware of what motivates you. Make sure there is plenty in there that fuels you deeply. Connect with why you do things for it adds deeper, richer joys to the work. It has been a week of revelations and joy for me. Freeing to say because I can. Freeing to realize I can do all these things just because it sings me too. That is empowering! Embody your whys and watch things mean more! If you seek an opportunity to be part of something better, big ticket so few sales make the difference and cutting edge online tech created to plug and play, reach out. I am really sinking into a new level of commitment to this business and it sure feels good. I want others to know this feeling as well. Change lives and paychecks. Yep, because I can!! Pick your why's rather than they pick you! It is such an insane world about us! We are shifting our ways and taking responsibility for our health in ways we never considered necessary. Being one who was part of the green, organic movement in farming, I am saddened by the turn the food industry has taken! Rather than grow food well and responsibly so it is good, they are adding all kinds of weird things to our food. I can't even take on that soap box other than to educate as it is so large, sneaky and pervasive.
However, I can manage my water which is 70% of me. We are made of water more than anything else and if we need to amp up our health, it simply can be through what water we drink. Sounds simple but scientifically it is so effective! We have all heard the news about contaminated places and even in Colorado they are testing schools and day cares for lead. Just now testing, something you would think was handled. You can go to the Environmental Working Group and put in your zip code and learn what is in your tap water here. It is not as good as you think! But really you know and why the bottled market is so huge. When we have so many pollutants, food additives, emfs, out in Colorado air quality issues, we need to flush. To support our bodies to be the magic they are, water can change everything. To me it is that simple. Flush your system well. We are evolving life and if we can keep ourselves hydrated, our bodies will move out the crap. I think it is the only alternative. It also supports us to take in nutrients quicker, all processes run better when we are hydrated. 70% water. Easy solution. Drink quality! If it can get you sick drinking bad water than drinking better water can support your health. It just is. I never thought we could be drinking such contaminated water. I thought someone, somewhere was handling it! But they are not! I do remember smelling chlorine as I ran a bath for Erika, when she was small and was glad to switch to well water. However, that too with fracking and the aquafirs interconnected is suspect even more. We just don't test it enough and conditions changing. It is not good news and it isn't going to get better soon. We must take responsibility for both our food and water as best we can. Water is easy. You can get a filter! Most have a Britta but if you don't change them it creates worse water and we all seem to have done that. Make it easy on you and get an easy under the counter model that supports at least not having all the "stuff" in it. That is an awesome step. You can get a filter for our shower to take out chlorine and we are doing a wonderful thing in just those two choices. If you are a real health nut like me or have health ails you want the ionizer route and get the deluxe shower unit. There are good options that can support health on different levels. I have solutions for those who want to take responsibility for the water they consume. Connect with me! It is an easy way to health. When you drink quality water, your body craves it. It doesn't like the water choices your giving it now and that is why it is often hard to get down those 8 glasses a day. But it is paramount for it creates a fluidity to you. Otherwise your blood and lymph system are thick like molasses. That is why I am on the bandwagon. As a health and beauty coach, homeopath and wellness seeker, water is the lost elixir that can easily change everything. Dehydration, acidosis, creates so many ills that we hear daily from others. Drink up friends, it will change everything. I had to write today as one who has had skin conditions from too much sugar, wheat, alcohol, bad eating and truly have minimized my reactions from just Electrically Reduced Water. Body rashes, issues with digestion, all of it was a tale of mine. No more. I certainly have to be conscious of how I eat in excess yet I don't get the crazy rashes and uglies by drinking the 9.5 water!! I lost weight over time, feel more energy and just know I am not taking in contaminants from my daily drinking. It tastes like water should so my body is thirsty for it and unravels ails by just having more flushing action than I had before. So truly the greatest health tip I have is to change the quality of your water. I am a big investigator and rabbit hole girl. I get into things in deep detail and live them before I spout out my findings. This one is huge and simple! I offer Multipure filters for your sink and shower for under $700. If you want a system to last a life time and actually create antioxidant hydrogen water and a mineralized shower, Kangen has the products. It is a matter of level and health choice. I say go all the way in on this one. More quality doctors and healers will be sharing about quality water. Fitness fields are often aware already as they seem to spend money on the basics more than others. Either way, upgrade just a bit. No more Britta. No more bottled water! The bottled water is another danger as it is unregulated and that water is not checked. It is often tested with many contaminants, in plastic which has the pbas that are a danger, and it is flat out dead water. I can help you be savvy and in the know. I do not recommend R/O water so be wary there. Learn and upgrade in a small way. If that is all you do, you will thank me for it!! Cheers to health! Cheers to the right water! Reach out to me for water into! It is time to be savvy about it! As a woman and an empath, the field of the world is intense! I am really putting into practice the things I learned years ago about energy management! It is all so perfect at this time more than any other. Even my book I wrote 8 years ago seems most prevalent for right now. I wanted to share an awareness that is making all the difference with 2 wars about and insanity in the world.
As we are moving around and connecting with others, it is hard not to be in adrenal stress. Talking to many effected by the many disasters can really be fearful and sad. When we are in the sympathetic fight or flight nervous system, we breathe shallow. It is hard not to when you listen to the stories. Rather than say anything, take deep breathes. As you watch the news, chat with loved ones or see crisis, stop and breathe deep. This will relax you and bring more oxygen into your brain. Reacting is not the way we know. It will tither you to a rat wheel or extreme emotional stress. Breathing deep is so powerful now! The awareness I had is about my own energy field. Woman and empaths, feel everything. Some have closed off or don't allow the emotions of the field in and that is good for them. For the others like me, I am the environment. Where ever I go, I feel the energy and flavor of the place and then begin to jockey myself to help bring in peace and calm. I do it instinctively and often don't consider my own feelings. I am so tapped into the others that I really don't know myself from others in groups. This is a gift and it continues to show me how to use it rightly. As I have learned to fill my field and know it, it is supporting me in this hectic time. I spend time in the morning really feeling how I feel and filling myself with joy, love and gentleness. As I go out, when I am feeling too much intensity, I stop, and ask, "How do you feel Lyn?" It has helped me tremendously to be in myself and expand me into my space. Then I can bring my good will to the situation rather than jockey myself to settle everyone. In getting into my space, noticing if this is my pain, sadness or not, I can then stabilize my love and help rather than exhaust myself feeling everything. I thought it important to share that we as woman and empaths, hold the emotional nature of the spaces. When we bring our nurturing naturally, the light we are to a room, that light will do the work. It is not about me jockeying and making everyone feel better. I bring my feel better vibe in and hold. I am not in crisis right now so I can bring the calm, love and gentleness. When I have been in crisis, the calm ones where the ones who helped most. They didn't give me solutions or shift from their peaceful place. That is what helps most. To me, it is letting the divine in while I sit in love and caring and let that do the work. Before I was always trying to figure out who to be to help. Just be yourself in your fullness knowing your from other. This was never explained well to me that I could really find my field in the way I can now. It is about not feeling the others and asking yourself, how do you feel and holding a boundary, a field around yourself of that. It is not about feeling the others and responding to it as if it were me. A good lesson for empaths. The gift is that we bring in a calm, loving vibe or whatever we feel when in a group. It is not negating ourselves and feeling others. That is the trap. It is boundarying ourselves in fullness of our field. We sense what is needed, usually calm, and ground that in strongly to hold the space. We are space holders more than anything. You have to have a strong vibe of you to hold. Not feeling the whole field and acting. Feel the whole field, feel your field and just hang in that presence sending it out into the room. That is my great awareness these days. Spend time breathing into your heart until you feel peace. If we all find peace within, we will effect the level of peace without. With all the reacting and believe me I can do my share of that, it is best to make it a practice to be peaceful inside. I am less likely to react when I start in my heart before I go into the world. I also find that filling myself through high impressions, oxygen and good food and water are the keys. Fill yourself first with peace and even calm joy before you interact. You have greater control and awareness of yourself and thus can better serve the weird sitautions we are encountering. We have no prior tools for a lot of it but the old methods work. Breath deep, ground into yourself and know your feelings. Boundary that energy field of you by filling with you and hold for the others in calm loving. It has made things less stressful and more magical. I get to see the sparkle work through me rather than think I must have an answer to stuff that is way out of my league!!! Love and Light to all! I am so enthused these days as I listen to others on you tube and other social media! My news comes from those like me rather than the cupcake networks. Everything so politically charged so I stay in places where people think like me. I listen to growers, holistic practitioners and spiritual points of view. In doing such, there is a whole different world view going on. We are transitioning how we deal with life. We see the world connected, unified and in wholeness. When you see that as the bigger picture, life is in a beautiful expansion these days.
More and more medicine folks, science leaders and soul empowered initiators are bringing in the ideas I was taught. Energy medicine, quality food growing and wholistic views on us and nature are all about me. I am not sure if it is just my interests that have caused AI to bring me these delightful points of you or if it is expanding in the world but it all delights me! I am not alone in my woowoo point of view about how magical life is! As a grower for many years, you learn so much on health, harmony and magic. You don't have to do that much for things to grow. The conditions for beauty are there. You just add in where there may be a deficiency. Understanding that all grows in the same way and will magically get where it is going of its own accord, makes energy use efficient and control is put on the back burner. You learn where the environment needs a balance, add there and let all the harmony of nature do the rest. You find your control is in how you add and where. You don't have to do it all!!! We are on a moving planet, all our cells and atoms moving continuously so there is no "static" place anywhere. Only our mind stops the flow by getting stuck in analysis beyond helpfulness. When you learn to balance the worlds, expansion becomes easy. As I developed my growing plans in my mind, I really had little control other than the plan I created. The weather, the bugs and diseases, the nature of things was in charge larger than I. I could just put out my preference of what to grow and the rest was up to the world of nature. When you realize this is how you expand the world, it makes life easier energy wise and relieves doing "all this work"! Even water, over 70% of this world, has a flowing nature. Our world is moving by tides, moons, flows of water and elements. A bigger process going on of flow. Rather than conquering how that all goes, you learn as a grower to use the cycles to your advantage rather than try to create new ways. You jump in and add to the cycle rather than changing the cycle. You can push the cycle but for me, the cycle has its own becoming so why mess with the greater happening. Just use it. Embodying this magical force in life and becoming part of it is the expansion. No longer do we need to think we have power by doing things by ourselves, with all our own energy. This is not success or even good energy use. The wise one uses all forces and collaboration, cooperation to move things quicker and use less energy. It is what the whole astrology field is about. Noticing the larger energies and moving with them is easier. Just like growing in a season rather than a greenhouse in winter, It is just easier! Consider as you go into the next season to find your rhythm with this expansion that is happening. It always was and is and will be happening. Evolve or repeat as they say. When you know there is a larger story going on that involves all humanity evolving together, life becomes easier. It is not you against the world making your way. It is you working with whatever conditions are there and growing yourself into a beautiful, authentic being. It takes life to learn this. Humanity is learning the true value of its connectedness that it was unaware of before. We may have heard the words but now it is becoming a heart manifestation in the world. It it really quite beautiful. As conflict, greed, selfishness, etc. are shown to us in the larger community, we can notice and just see it as things releasing from the human condition. We get to see how this harsh, low vibe hurts others and creates divide in us all. Love is a binding force and what the spark of life is. If you watch nature, life thrives! It goes through cycles, rebirths, deaths and clearing. It is unfolding life and love continuously. Our human expansion is to realize we are this. We are the binding, forward force that expands love. As we learn how to work this in a more physical way, we are transitioning to a more beautiful harmonious world. To me, being part of that with selling water ionizers and my podcast with my daughter, Embody a Magical Life , I am supporting this fluid, loving world to unfold!! Join us in this mission! Embody A Magical Life! Water Education! Free Flow in Grace Session! Fall is always a time of change! This year no different as life takes another new twist. My daughter moving to Costa Rica and I, here in Colorado to be with her...... and she's off again. The journey of parenting, supporting our children to do their life as they see best. We want to be close but just how that plays out differs for us all. Ironically, I hadn't been living near Erika for 10 years, since she left for college. These 3 years have been a fun delight. We thought we'd have roots here but life has other ideas for us. Things are a changing!
For me, I must admit I am a tad perplexed. I never thought I would be divorced but I was. I never thought I would live here without Erika and yet here I am. Deciding if this is my new home or a step onto the next chapter that takes me somewhere else. Honestly, I don't really know. I am not worried or concerned as this is a moment of "I have me, myself and I". What do all these me's want to do??? I don't think I ever just thought of myself since I became a mom. It is an interesting twist. I could end up somewhere in Costa Rica down the road or somewhere else. I just don't know. I am reveling in not really knowing. Using it as a time to connect with my highest self and expect to get messages and clues as to what is next. Really to just asking myself what is next Lyn? It is really all up to me, my desires and my dreams. It is a large a question to a small town girl that has lived in one town for 56 years. Only 3.5 years here in Colorado. I am a newbie at the big world adventure. I always made choices based on family, my daughter or those around me. Now I can just choose for Lyn! Freeing and lonely sounding all at once. This last 3 years have been a respite for me in life. I have healed myself here and slowed down my pace. I have given myself time to myself and tap into this new Lyn as I age and become the Wise Woman. The final, impactful chapter in a woman's life. It is exciting, opening, mysterious and challenging. I don't feel lonely for I have those key people that support a good, enjoyable life. I do miss partnership with a man. I see that coming in soon as I send off my girl and take on my own life to its fullest. So much is changing in the outer world. I don't know where that will land either. We all are in a field of great change and transformation. We all unfolding in a new way together and individually. I am not surprised that I, too, feel this great revolution within. I think as we all address our inward revolution, we can integrate and together use this evolution for the best of humanity. It feels like a foggy time and when that is about, the yoga axiom is to just sit until it clears. If you can't see your path clearly, don't move quickly. Relax and look for the light on the path to show up. I feel that relax is here for me. I am sinking into uncertainty and not all that afraid. We all should take this time when so much is changing to slow down and chill. It is the cooler season and our bodies need the rest from all the intense energy going on around us. We need to catch our breathe and digest all this swirling around us with weather, trauma, war, bickering, bipolar humanity. I think it is ok to not know how it will play out. Feeling this uncertainty, maybe it is the perfect time to connect inward, with your greatest self and decide where you want to be and how you want to add into the world. Not knowing gives us the dark sky of creativity, ideas yet formed. As we put our highest intentions into the field after thought and inward reflection, I believe we are molding that creative vortex! Maybe the fog is here so we all get straight with ourselves and our choices now, with the world in this state. I feel this change as swift and deep. It is a big time in the world. Knowing what you think, how you want to live and what you are willing to stand by or add unto the world is empowering. I believe a new world is being formed and we are forming it minute by minute. As all shifts and swings about, get yourself right with you, your source, your high self. A perfect fall to really connect with yourself once again to see who and where you are at this new time with a life of great experience. We change daily and our goals, dreams and even values shift. What matters now? Where will it take you? It is time to just rest and lean into it. I know I will feel a loss as the fall comes. However, I will also consider it a chapter complete. A short adventure in the same state near each other, creating ways to impact the world and peoples health has been abundantly productive for us both. Now we expand out and who knows how that will circle us back together again for another joyous encounter of daily life near each other. Without her, an opening appears. Maybe its the perfect space for the right man and partner to roll in. We never know how the universe will bring our wonder in but it always does. Sit through this change and be very deliberate in your actions. It is a reactive time. We need peaceful, centered, directed people who know who they are and stand tall in themselves. True integrity and authenticity. A lot has happened. The world is not as we thought it was. Crazy shit is in the news consistently. The foundation is regrouping. Let us get ourselves right inside, clear and sure what we want to add in and experience. I believe knowing that as I will come up with my next chapter is the moment of design we are being called too. It is ok not to know so we can know. Happy resting and fall. Things are changing. Find the solid rock in you so you can support stabilizing a world of more love. Health, Magical living, Sustainability, Regenerative Farming, Nature inspired living are my foundational message. Let us build that together. I look forward to hear what you are bringing forward!! Water Info Flow in Grace Session Embody a Magical Life Such a crazy world we are in! Stability of things that used to be so ordered are gone. It is like being in a cocoon with the whole world. I want to check in with others and let you know we are all in this together. If there is a way I can support you in this wobble, let me know.
I am finding two worlds. The "reality" as many call it and those creating anew. I stay as connected to those who don't let the environment run them. It is a challenge with all the "reality" yet it has netted me a peaceful, flowing life. I think our connection to ourselves is being called forward. Who are we? What do we want? How would the world feel better? We are letting go of what life should be and actually creating life as we find it successful and positive. This is so different for each of us. Some want lots of money, others want health and family, still others want to build legacy. We all get to do and accomplish what works for us. I find this is more clear these days than when I grew up. Life is not what we were taught. Companies are not regulated and money rules that and our politics. Principles are not running business as we thought. The standard go to college and have a good job doesn't work or getting a new home and building up to the next level. Youth has a hard time affording homes with college debt that didn't net a great job. It is all a mess. With this chaos we can know, creation is about. When things aren't working, a new way is coming. I delight in this as it is challenging us all to know ourselves better. i also find that as all these realities are collapsing, we get the opportunity to really let go of our inside programming and beliefs. We get to choose our direction these days far more than before. There are so many outlandish beliefs these days that whatever you want to live by is probably normal. I honor others who think different but don't allow them to ride in my world I am building. It is a time of boundaries, refined beliefs and positive action for change. This takes time and reflection to tap into who are you? Not who you thought or tried to be, but who are you now? We change so much through milestones in life. What is your spirit calling you to do now? I know for me, I am not to hide anymore. I did for years as a flower farmer. I also kept my mouth quiet not to create conflict. Today I find sharing how to live magically is needed. There are those who want a fun, playful experience. it is not a big lot but it is my tribe. Some of us aren't serious and like to enjoy the simplicity of life. I like to giggle a lot, play and enjoy whatever I do. I am not in fluffy situations doing this. I am in the same world everyone else is but I see liffe differently. We can have our own point of view and live it. There are others just the same and now is the time to find them and build. I love health and wellness and have many tricks from a life well lived. I have had many a hardship as well and I still find joy as I ride down the road. We all need to find this true soul these days and express it. It is time to speak up and share how you want life to be. Be sure to take time these days to step away and find your place now. We are creating anew so be sure your body, mind, spirit and emotions are on the same page. It is murky, a bit uncertain but that is the perfect time to go inward and find your place in this world. I know my direction. I am not sure how it will play out but I don't think that is my job. I am to hold where I want to go and feel good in it. The universe will bring me the way as I hold my direction with openness. You also can create this new way in the world. Be clear. That takes time alone. Take it. Let me know if I can help you surf anything. I offer a podcast, Embody a Magical Life with many of the tips I use daily. I am all about water quality and health so if your seeking info, lets connect. I also want this world to be a more harmonious place so I work the land and support regenerative farming and sustainability. These are my passions and the way I express them has changed. It has many times in life and this is like the other milestones. We are just in it together. Be gentle as you do this! We have been through so much change so thank yourself for adapting and flowing. It is not so easy for us so be kind to yourself and others. We will create a better world. New things take time to grab hold . Relax, reflect, enjoy while you are waiting for the next wonder to begin! Many blessings to you! I am on the eve of yet another adventure to Vegas!! Enagic, the manufacturer I am a distributor for, is having their convention there! I am enthused to see all the water tribe across the world. It is a standing point and I am glad to be part of the Water Revolution. I have a bit of resistance to going to Vegas as it will be energetic to say the least. I have never been there and I am meeting new folks that I never met face to face. It will be fun but expanding seems to have a bit of anxiety.
I am breathing for the moment. I am mostly packed and feel I have the plan together. Summer is filled with going on adventure. As I posted on my last blog, you must take the prep and after downtime to integrate your worlds. So I am breathing out of regular life, to fun, bright Vegas and new friends. I noticed that especially in summer, I actually have more anxiety for the speed it requessts of us. Atempting to notice and calm myself when I do, has been a good way to check in. Our nervous systems are on overdrive often. I was doing yoga poses the other day and noticed fast energy noving through mny body. I thought, this needs to calm down. I do not need this fiery way. With the current world, it is easy to pick up on the collective anxiety. I notice that more than ever, I need to find a new balance in my body. Taking greater notice of how I feel and up or down regulating it to a more peaceful, assured rhythm. Life is to flow and I can easily adapt myself when I notice. I truly believe we are integrating more of our true selves, our spirit into our body and releasing gathered patterns we have held. This is new to me and I believe us all. It is important to be aware of this if we want to be true creators and flow the energy of life toward our ideas. Taking a check in as I tell my woman's groups, is key to healthful, vibrant living. Calm it all down. Notice what's there for you rather than hold this intense energy for days. It will create havoc in our body if we don't slow down our nervous system and smell the roses. Which really means, relax. It is unfolding. We are in creation and it is a stage of metamorphosis. We are not sure how it will go but we can see our direction. We rest to allow the next steps to appear. In not noticing, we can get burned out and ill. We have a choice and I believe, the rest is our most powerful tool between things. Integrate, rejuvenate, breathe, reorder for a few. This gives us calm clarity and proper energy to move forward. We can direct energy easier than if we allow it to run us. We are used to it running us and we are reverse engineering it now. We create consciously, then act. Not react to the turbulence. So breathe. I am. I will visit with the neighbor who will care for my plants, have a bite and get a good nights rest. Vegas begins tomorrow and I am ready for new only because I relaxed and digested the last adventure. Be open to listen and watch yourself. The tool of awareness is key to a vital, happy even magical life. Blessings to summer fun!! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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