I am really playing with feeling states of the body. After many years in adrenal stress, cortisol and emergency living, I learn deeper of the word embodiment. Perhaps why my daughter and I have a you tube channel named Embody a Magical Life! I Would love for you to subscribe and join us! It is a time of really bringing our great brilliance, soul, into the body more deeply. It sounds so simple yet since we are run by the mind and patterns, being in the body is often words rather than a way of being.
I know when I began this journey of really feeling my body, which is energy rolling through this watery body, I had to remember what that full feeling of joy felt like in my body, in sensation, with my senses. I realized everything that happened seemed like an emergency when it was not. I was so used to that emergency feeling and found even simple issues, created cortisol. This noticing continues to grow my awareness and when I do, I can shift my whole body state in moments. It is a feeling body thing. It is not mindset and thoughts although they may be there, it is a feeling, the energy of my body. The body is our tool on this plane. So if we don't use it right, we can end up in illness or crisis physically. I know no one ever taught me correctly about the body. I have studied so many sciences and arts, each having a piece of embodiment, the feminine arts teaching me the most about it. I also think learning of being energy, understanding empathy, knowing I am a guide and projector for others in the Human Design energy system, all haven given me pieces of what this energy in the body thing we all are learning. Now ,I know I can share it more simply with you. The greater part of us is an electrical spark so to speak, the light. Our light interacts with matter, which is mostly water, a great conductor of electricity. That water, moves much slower than electricity and creates waves, emotions, energy in motion. And that is the movement of the world. I think we have lost this connect to the watery body and true emotions we feel as we move through life. In learning to notice, feel and let the wave wash on, I learned then to influence the next emotion, wave or feeling. Gliding through this watery, emotional matter then become a fun experience of all the waves there are. This is a new way to explain it, the easiest understanding on it today for it is far simpler than we make it. I also realized along this journey that I was in such a pattern of anxiety. My tired body longed for the higher states of joy, pleasure and fun more often. Don't we all? I was hindering them. Like being in a wave pattern in the water and not allowing myself to expand into the other feelings. We can't just wait to feel joy and pleasure from the outside, we can create them from the inside. As we do, our body reconnects with those waves and will easily begin to bring them in as we feel, flow past and allow the balance. In all of this, I learned it is my responsibility to notice my state of my body, connect to it, see what it needs to do to balance in that moment and then create the feeling I want. Breathe the very key to moving through this watery matter. Breathing takes away the rigidity, the edges, the stiffness of the body allowing that flow. We are in charge of this matter. We are the electricity animating the matter of the body. We didn't fully realize this along the way and are getting this awareness to really bring in our spark, through matter and into a lovely experience here in the watery world. I use watery world, for if you realize that is mostly what is here, over 70% of this planet and us, we all know how water moves. We can begin to understand flow and know what it feels like. So many have so little flow in life they forgot what it feels like. When I am afraid, rather than act, I allow that feeling, sense where it is in my flowing body and breath deep through it. I keep doing it until it shifts and I feel it flowing and shifting in my body. It may stretch my legs, or arch my back, usually causing me to stretch to move my body to support its release. Then I generate love breathing it into my heart. I breathe that through and FEEL what that feels like in all my cells and being. I revel in it. Amp it up. Loving on my fear, even though it seems like I should be Doing something else. I need to stabilze my body, my water from the intensity before I do anything. If I don't, I am in a wave of fear that will continue through all I do. This creating the crisis of life that we often spiral into. It may sound trite or impossible that this could help. Yet it does. When we come from neutrality, act in our watery body with the brilliance of the electricity we are, we can change the flow of things. In doing that, we change the flow of solution. When fear or any lower emotion is around and we act, we usually generate more of that. Rather, we could pause, notice and breathe, bring in a better state than start doing from there. I think it is the piece we all miss. What energy are we coming from. Calm, security or anxious panic? The outcomes will be far different. In closing, I want to inspire you to become more aware more often as to the state of you and watery body are in. In doing that, you can shift it. If you don't notice, it will run its predictable course. I am sharing a class from Anxiety to Flow on Feb. 3, 5:30 est, 7:30 mt, 6:30 pt. It is a simple class that will awaken the patterns of parasympathetic nervous system living,: joy, pleasure, oxytocin. The art of relax and pleasure. You will know what your body feels like in that state and will learn how to create and shift easily to it. Once we begin remembering these higher states, feeling them and creating them, we find life flows more easily in all things. I encourage you to join us. It is a transformative, fundamental learning that is ease and grace. What woman love and thrive in! It is an interesting time. We are grounding our wonder. We are learning this. Let's play with it together. Class Link Lifestyle Session
It all comes down to how our bodies where made to function. We can think whatever we want in our minds and develop whatever ideas there, but our feminine body, our container has rules of operating and how it functions best. Masculine and feminine is an important understanding when it comes the physical reality of our body. The difference is clear by visual looking. Emotionally as well. Mentally we run a good equal. Give a man and a woman the same project and we all know it will be done completely differently. Both will achieve wonderful results, but it will not be the same path. Our bodies where not made to compete, hunt, and run fast. Even the emotionality of hunting does not suit woman and why men have a harder time with their emotions for it is part of the body they are in. Woman were bearing children, nourishing all, community building, healing, growing and feeding. Gatherers says it best. A much more peaceful, playful, easy, laid back energy of living and safety. The hunter and gatherer's story tells us much of our of physical body being. Fast forward to modern times and what are woman doing mostly? Are they spending time doing these slower paced nourishing things? Or are they in a competitive, dog eat dog situation, running fast? Using our body this way creates illness for it is in an energy and hormones that does not bode well long term for our feminine body.We are not physically designed for this. It doesn't matter what we think about that or feel about it. It goes against the science of our body, so therefore we are not feeling so good on most levels. We can handle living in modern times if we grasp a greater understanding of our bodies and stop trying to act and be like men. Knowing the difference in the energy and resetting ourselves to work in a way that works with our physical needs. We need to stop minding so much for our emotionality has a power and a brilliance beyond logic and reasoning. There is great purpose to the opposites, to the different bodies and ways of being. Just because we don't get it doesn't make it true. Science is finally treating us differently, something that ancient cultures and medicine did from the get go.We can accomplish the same tasks we do now but in a way that supports our natural physicality. Woman get much accomplished using their own ways and whit. Woman have incredible powers of communication without words said. They have collaborative power bar none. They can run communities in their free time without batting an eyelash. It is their first nature, it is their gift, they need to claim and use it. Better yet, bring these powers into the business world to support and nourish rather than compete and back stab and win. .We play win win naturally unless we are in a field of competition. Better health, less stress, correct use of the emotions all gifts when we really slow down, embrace our natural way and get out of the competitive race. Woman get things done in a way of magic through collaboration that is matched by nothing in business. When we power through toward our heart inspired goals, we can do 2 weeks of work in one day. We move in a chattery, connective way that defies logic and moves mountains. We need to use and embrace this magic power we have. It is our nature, it is programmed in us and it has incredible purpose. That is why there is this surge of feminine power. The green movement, the local movements, even the coaching movement is all about nurturing and nourishing a larger world. The conscious business movement, even the Internet is all about connecting, collaborating, giving back and finding commonality in difference. Compassion and empathy forefront and natural to woman. When we own and embrace these very things within ourselves that are our nature, live them, put it all into practice in all pieces of our lives, we will get out of adrenal stress. Woman can compete next to the best of them but it is not for the long haul. It is for a surge here and there that this is healthy. To live in this energy, in this way of being is very disastrous for our body. It is all around us and most are living it. I did too but when I learned, when I heard the so simple truths, I shifted myself about. Life became easier, less stressful and even in stress, I know of ways to move that would support my artistic, creative way. These soothe and heal us. It is why I support and teach the healing and expressive arts. These are ways that nourish, soothe, remind and calm us to the beauty and wonder we are. They give us the power to go on reminding us the value of slower, nourishing ways. It doesn't really matter if our minds are on board. It is science, it is medicine and it is our history so obvious. We will figure it out sooner or later. I am about doing it now. Our world needs it. Woman need each other supporting and working together. When we realize our own truth about ourselves, there is no system as powerful as woman in unison. It is just the way it is. I am hosting an online class on Tuesday February 8 at 5:30 pm EST/ 7:30 pm MT for an hour called from Anxiety to Flow. The cost is $45 early registration, $55 after Feb. 1st. This is a powerful class if you have never learned the power of your femininity. It will support you to understand your body, your health, your energy and ways to find more pleasure and oxytocin daily. This will create a flowing life while clearing excess cortisol. It is a behavior change as we understand our body and learn the magic of it. You will find a total shift in how you see yourself and your body. I look forward to awakening your shakti to live a more flowing life! Reach out to me if you are interested and I will be posting the links soon. It has been a quiet winter here and I have made many transformations. Living in a new state during a time of world chaos, I have learned many things about myself. I have never been in any other town than Doylestown, PA. so this has had such a learning curve. Especially with the shut down we all experienced. When I came, I keep open what I would do next and see what showed up. It is powerful to surrender and allow, something we all could use more.
Since I have been here I have done many odd jobs to get out in the community. You know your true essence when you land in spaces where your favorite gifts emerge. I landed connected to a local flower farm and have supported her to get efficient in her growing as well as do events with the flowers. I also began a woman's circle there which is truly one of my favorite things in the world. I have coached many out here going through transition or just to find more pleasure without ever offering coaching. Many just asked for support as they loved my energy. Fun! I am now offering classes online and with my daughter through our Embody A Magical Life you tube channel. If you haven't checked it out yet, please subscribe to support us to get out to those who want a joyful, aware life. I realize I have far more gifts I learned for woman and am now sharing them in service. And I share it in a unique fun way that isn't out there. I think we were born to serve in some way with our innate, unique gifts. How that shows up changes at different cycles of life. Often we allow money, constraints or others ideas to steer us away. I have hidden so many ways in life and when I moved out here there was no hiding. No one knew me or expected anything from me so it made it easier to be me. I still had many beliefs or barriers inside that I brought with me to clear. It has been a process to truly be me. I am sure most of us feel this way. We put on so many persona's depending on which crowd we are in. We were trained this way and at times it is how it is, It is also nice to sink greater into your authenticity than a persona of parts of you. The transformation we are all making in this paradigm. No many ever really knew how spiritual, magical and woo-woo I am. The other joy I have is working with my daughter in the water business. I never considered water as a health tool! Now I think it, as well as detoxing our home are our quickest ways to find vitality. We just didn't realize how valuable it was or how contaminated. We thought the same about our food and products and that is all tumbling down. This makes water far more important to flush out all the hidden crap. I am an agent of practical change so I really like offering one simple solution to both. I also appreciate that I can support woman to make money while detoxing the planet with us. I stayed home as a mom and to have this kind of opportunity then would have made life healthier and easier to be non toxic. Something all moms are concerned with now. They need our support these days. I tell my story so you can maybe see your own story in it. Where are your threads that connect in so many ways? I loved nature thus flowers, homeopathy and holistic health via water and non toxic living are part of my service. I love woman as I am one thus the circles, my published book, lifestyle coaching, youtube channel and business opportunity. Our true gifts come out in all areas of our life. So if your in transformation, surrender and allow. Let things bubble up in you. Rather than use your mind, let the essence, the dreams and joyous gifts inside bubble up. That is creation. That is when you are serving others with your essence. I think we all are finding that within us in this new world. I just followed the magic and listened to my emotions. That is important and one of the things I like most about the feminine wisdom. We honor and ride our emotions rather than stuff them down. They are guide posts and directional signs that we flow past. Teaching woman of this power is a mission. We are far more playful, youthful, inspiring and fun when we really understand our magic way. We are stepping into a new paradigm of living where we get to feel our way through life as we understand energy. We get to enjoy life and have abundance. Systems and ways are changing to support us to be our unique selves and live that life we were meant too. Keep all this in mind as you determine What is Next for you! Love and blessings and please reach out if there is any way to support you!! XO Schedule A Consult Well it seems we have quite the year ahead! I am one who loves to listen to all the predictions of the next cycle. All types of prediction. I like to hear what energetic flavor others see. These days there are so many connecting with the invisible forces whether angels, aliens, or whatever morphic field. We all love to get some certainty in uncertain times. A glimpse how we can make the world better with so much going off the rails.
The year is to be about ourselves. We are in a 9 year, which is about completion. So completing those things hanging about and moving forward into a new form of ourselves. This is truly exciting as we have spent so much life living for others. Our families, cultures, ideals, traditions, our environment have all given us views of the world. At some point we have to un-layer and determine our truth. Our way to be in the world. Especially with this new energy and feeling of grounding our spirits more deeply, viscerally in the body. I find it a great year to really feel your way into what are you adding to the whole of the world. It isn't this selfish all about me idea although to know what you want to do or participate in uses your innate inspiration. It is about how will I unfold my gifts more deeply to serve myself and the whole? What is that most cool expression of me that is needed for me and to support others? It is very intriguing to me!!! How will I express this year with the divine spirit of me flowing through me? We are not alone here. We are so supported by greater aspects of yourself as well as a benevolent world that wants to support your unfolding. These are fun questions!! For me, this is a time to really feel into that brilliance I am and how I want that to support the larger world. We are shifting from the "I" to "We" consciousness. The We includes ourselves indulging in our highest fun and expression. This adds to the world. The more joy, creativity, fun, happiness we feel, the more we add to the world. It is quite easy and simple. We can control the vibe we are adding. We can be happy while making others happy. We don't need to sacrifice ourselves for the whole anymore. We can express ourselves and add to the whole by being in joy and pleasure. Just by being connected to ourselves. Really appreciating our life and all the curves and twists. The martyr idea is just done. It serves no purpose anymore. It is to be a fast year, especially as we approach spring. The action energy high. Be careful though, everyone will be moving quick and it could get warlike with all the speed. Knowing this, slow down, be deliberate. Discernment, conscious action and truly feeling the action is right will avoid conflict. For most, it is to flow forward in all kinds of abundance and connection. This is exciting news. A huge heaviness has left since we are no longer working on the foundations. We are in the new age where collaboration, connection and cooperation rule. It is also the age of technology so we may see some great uses of technology to support the world to be better. I heard some other interesting things. AI will move fast and we will actually start to have huge conversations on how to use it the best. There is to be an almost magical breakthrough of some type that will change much of the world regarding health. That sounded like an idea I could get on board with. Another cool idea, in 4 or 5 years, our current medical system will seem barbaric! As a Holistic healer, I am inspired by that expansion into maybe many other complementary arts. I am sure AI will support medicine changing to greater health for us. I hope they take out the crap in our food and water as well. Didn't hear anything about that so I suggest you get a Kangen ionizer from me so you can have the best water and detox your home. I think awakening is going to continue at full steam. We, as a collective, are waking up spiritually, as well as every other way. Awake to our government, our schools, our businesses, our medicine, all of it. It just needs an overhaul. We know it and that may get sticky as it occurs! Spirituality. it seems like it will be high as well. I know I feel energy so differently. I sense more intuition and I think we all are finding magic with ourselves, bodies, ideas, as we go forward. That has been fun. It is our time to really dig in, find what we really like and start doing it. As we enjoy and create in ways we love, we will vibe the world into more delight. Finally, we are breaking down the you should do this or that to what are your gifts? What delights you? As the world will morph we too must be part of the shift. We can all take action in ways we love and that support the larger world. We are building it and together. No one is going to save our world but each of us. We are waking up to that and really seeking ways to participate that thrills us. In the end, we are the creators and I believe we are actually getting that. As we ground more into our bodies and our true selves, we will find ways to add to the world to build this new place we all desire. We have been asleep and expecting others to do it long enough. Time to enjoy, add and create the world into the Garden of Eden it is. I hope you will join me in doing this. As WE collaborate and share in new fun ways to live, we will soar. Building networks, communities and taking action in collective which is how change occurs. I look forward to watching it unfold. Happy 2025!!! Leave me a comment or send a note if you are doing anything that I could help and support. If you want to detox your home and get the best drinking hydrogen water, let's connect on that. It is time to work together like never before. It sure will be an interesting year. We make impact by enjoying ourselves!! Lets Connect! A new year is upon us. We are ringing out the old and bringing forth the new. After the 21 of December, the sun begins to come back to brightness in our area. It is the ending of the dark early nights with the rebirth of the Sun. I find myself quite inward. I have spent many moments reflecting on what is next as I go through the festive holy days.
As life would have it, my daughter probably won't be rooting into Colorado as we thought. I am so far from the places and people I know. I wonder as the world turns in quite an unexpected way, do I belong here? It is a wild question to visit yet again. I have almost 4 years under my belt and I have some great friends and have adventured over many of these mountains. I only ever lived in one town my whole life so to move anywhere or away from where I just built 4 years of life seems like a lot to me. I believe we are in this great in between. In between the new president and the old. Between the beliefs we had about many things but new light is changing our perspective. Between the holiday where we are so busy and the quiet of January. Between the old world and this new world and a place that has more individuality and peace. Between what is really going on and what will be in the future. The void, the space, the hang time as we shift from one form to another. It is the wildest time in the world like never before. The larger world is in between, and here I am, in between. Any one relate???? It seems perfect that it is a holiday during this in between. A time of love, gifts, warmth, gathering and sharing treasures. It feels good to exhale and receive of the magic of the season. It has held me in my time of inward musings of what could be next. The beauty of the tree, the slower pace of life, the more engagement and more quiet alone time. It feels healing and releasing. Just enjoying it all about me. I don't know what is next but I can play with ideas in my head. Part of the gift of winter that the gardener uses to design the spring garden. I don't know if I ever got the real truth of the magic imagination. I have used it negatively so much of my life. Worried, picturing bad scenarios, being prepared as they say by fully being ready for a crisis. It hasn't been as helpful that way. I realize now that the rest, the in between is used for just imagining desires or feeling the divine energy fill us. It is what the rest is. We just fill with the good and wonder of being present and using the imagination to feel into things fully. When the slate is clean, your not sure what to do, you can play with ideas and dreams in your head. It is so powerful. We are not using this magic enough. At least I haven't used it as well as I could. We are a hustle culture that if we are idle, a guilt or an jittery feeling comes in. What am I doing? I can't just sit here. Start getting things done are some of the things I hear. But it seems wrong. How can we really know what we want as a soul, as an individual, rather than what you have been taught to desire without really playing with it in our minds. Feeling in to it. I have followed the rules and ideas of society most but now I am finally giving me, Lyn Ann Marie a chance to play with my ideas. Many that have been put aside for the others in life. Now I can see, is this what I want? I think it is critical to us all to really put aside some time to play with the mind and imagination about the world. About where the larger world could go if we unite well. Where our lives could go as we change the paradigms? What we can do to be more secure and enjoying in our individual life? I have found it quite fun and realize just by playing in those ideas, the possibilities become open to all the world. We expand the consciousness, the field, we add more options and creativity to the field. I am using this in between time as a joyous respite with myself. Imagining, investigating, daydreaming and wondering. I am embracing this mysterious time as a charming mystery rather than uncertain fate. I am not sure how the world, me or us will morph. I do realize more as the energies come in, I am more powerful to create than I ever imagined.. We are embodying this new power to play more clearly and masterly with matter. This excites me and I trust when the right things come in, it will whirl of its own energy. As we learn how to be more grounded in our bodies while connected with our spirit, this rest, in between, this moment to fill with our spirit and then imagine what could come forth feels good. It seems like the connection to our highest soul, perhaps purpose, even destiny as the world morphs, we too morph into a greater self. I invite you to embrace these moments as well as the gathering moments. The rebirth is here of the sun, the Son of God as believed in religion, the power of you the child of the universe. Enjoy putting time into what is to become and be. We are the creators. We are realizing this so add unto the world in ways of kindness and charm that will built a more peaceful world. Happy Solstice! Reach out to me for support or coaching into this next phase! It seems to be all over the socials, how do you manage your nervous system? Well it is one of my specialties. It was the most potent learning I ever had. It is easier than you think! You do need to have check ins, notice how you are moving. Once you learn this practice, your body over a few weeks starts to do it naturally for you!!
Ease and grace are my mantras these days. And that is what will support your nervous system. The one thing I learned for woman, that if it is hard, or challenging, it is not good for a woman's body. I know, I have had so many who love to do hard workouts battle me over this. However, most work outs are built for a man's body. Sure you may look good for a bit but that adrenal stress in your work out, over time will hinder your feminine system. We have so much adrenal stress already in life that the way to balance, regulate, create health in your nervous system is to be in parasympathetic as much as possible. Your work out is one way to do that. It was good to me for I like ease and grace. I don't want to work out hard or put in all this time and challenge. I save that for skiing and hiking, life experiences. We move our body to change our energy. We take in oxygen, move the lymph system and change our emotional state. This can be done in a few minutes. It can be managed in a 5-15 minute work out of dancing or gentle yoga or qi gong. The point is to shift into feeling good in your body. Doing movement that connects you to your body in joy and love. Loving being in a body, loving your body and feeling delicious. We all know this from dancing. It is why it is considered the most healthful workout for woman. Ease and grace!! We also need to have those check ins I spoke of . If we don't realize we are in panic, stress or adrenal burnout, how can we change it? It is as easy as noticing when you shift from one project or segment to the next, ask where are you? Tired? Scared? Want to cry? Angry? Frustrated? Feeling groovy? Annoyed? Excited? This simple practice of checking in and noticing is the only way we can start to reset to parasympathetic nervous system. So set an alarm on your phone 5 times a day? Any trick you can come up with to notice is the first step. Once you notice, recognize your feeling, give it a minute. Can you rest? Move out anger? Cry? If not just the noticing is often enough to release the energy of the feeling. Just awareness, recognition with out the blah blah mind can shift. I breath deep into whatever I am noticing. If I can't take a break in that moment, I just breathe a few times. On our You tube channel Embody a Magical Life as well as my website , I teach the oxy-breath. It is a powerhouse shifter beyond any other breath. You create pleasure with sound and breath which tricks your body through sound to shift to the other nervous system. I use this naturally and often. You often use it to and don't notice. So that notice, feel, breathe through are the important. Next you look for pleasure. Can you do the next thing in a more playful way? With a brighter disposition. Can you take a break in pleasure? A quick absorb of nature either by view or just sit in it? How about a gratitude rampage? What about a great cup of your favorite tea? Erika and I made a course, 22 Ways to Oxytocin Pleasure! It is only $22 til the end of the year. The Code is SOCIALS for that discount. At this time, these practices are monumental so we are sharing them to support others in this most fun way to shift. It doesn't take long. A few moments, minutes, a focused action in pleasure can switch your nervous system. Once you know how it feels, you can make almost anything work. Hydration is another big one. We are often so worn out or in this constricted state, sluggish and a big drink of quality water will change you. Many are heavy or feel fat just because they retain water. They are dehydrated and their lymph holds onto the water and the toxins in it. The lymph is your sewage system so you want it fluid and flowing. 85% of the people are dehydrated. So having fluidity, flow is the parasympathetic nervous system pace. Quality water and plenty of it matters. Detoxing your home and products of the chemicals is another key ingredient that is easy enough. Especially woman with all the products we add to our body. Get rid of cleaners, crappy laundry detergent, scented anything and candles especially. Only use essential oils for scent. They say the new second hand smoke is fragrance. So getting rid of these endocrine disruptors is key. They effect your hormones, thus your nervous system and emotional nature. It doesn't matter what other things you do for yourself. If you continue to have all these toxins about, as a feminine body, you will be continually off balance. We are the most sensitive bodies so non toxic living allows balance of this sacred vessel. It is why I share Kangen Ionizers. They simply detox so many chemicals and products. It is easy. Your body now is mostly around water and no toxins so you have a rebalance of hormones. I got energy, lost about 15 lbs like magic, cleared food allergies too wheat and the rashes that go with it. Supported my digestion and find new balance as I continue to drink antioxidant water. These are the quick, easy ways to shift your nervous system. Hydrate, move in grace, notice and shift to pleasure and clear toxins. These will get you into the right nervous system, balance your emotional nature and allow your body to harmonize in a clean environment. It allows us to go through even the hardest of times but still know how to have your system shift to the more clear headed way of parasympathetic quickly. It is a conscious practice. As you do these things, your body will be in relax more of the time. That allows renewal, rejuvenation, reset and revitalize. All of these don't happen when we are in fight or flight. Which for many of us, it is all day. You can see why your body develops health issues. Reach out if you need more information or you need coaching support. This is my mastery and my love. I have had 10 years of quite stressful living in new conditions. It has been life saving that I learned these things. Having the hydrogen water and the ionizer to detox my home, came in 4 years ago and they are easy and created a significant change. Love to you all for this holiday season. Remember to enjoy all your creative holiday tasks. They can be adding oxytocin to your body if you enjoy them. If you rush through in cortisol, you can wreck your body in one season. Be aware and God Bless! Wow! What magical energy is around us! Can you feel it? The power of self to actually do something that makes a difference in our collective experience. I find myself filled with goodness and desiring to create change. I think there is so much going on and I am realizing my power in all this. It is exciting and delightful!!!
The shift so palatable to me is that we together are creating a new way in the world. It feels like a freeing energy that I have not felt before. Yes I see the animosity in the world but that is no longer binding me. There is a individual power or sense of self responsibility that has come over me. I realize I am part of this new creation. I take actions and it effects the whole. Big or tiny, I am truly creating with all others. So exciting to feel this viscerally in my body in a way I have not before. It is time to inspire and use it in whatever way feels heartfelt and for the highest good. I am sure i am not the only one so to those who are feeling it! Enthusiasm and excitement. Peace and wholeness. Power and influence. It is all here and now. As I feel this energy,, most of me has just been sitting in the feeling. I don't know if we do this enough anyway, let alone now. To satiate, to marinate, to savor or revel in what this new energy of creation, of power feels like inside me. I am just allowing this fullness to be inside me. Does that make sense to anyone? Allowing this energy to fill us and create activation. So in this new energy there is moments of just noticing how wonderful it feels. Filling ourselves, our vessel, our power. Just let it file in. That is where I am. It is like a software update. it feels good, pleasurable and enlivening. It is faithful, hopeful, enabling. I am just allowing it in to all my cells, body and being. It is quite relaxing and freeing. Quite loving and inspiring. Just a beautiful flow. As we fill in with this update, this energy, this new sense of self, we are activating. We need the moment to integrate. We don't take enough time in most of life to just be, feel, know, relax, integrate, synchronize, activate. It may feel foreign to DO nothing. I know it does for me often. But that is the power of the reset. The download. The upgrade. It has to filter into all areas and reconfigure us. Activating is actually happening to us. We don't need to do anything but allow the flow into us. To sense and feel these new heart energies, new feelings of positivity, new power of self. As we savor and marinate, it will show us the next steps. For now, feel the wonder of connection to your self on a new level. We are more connected to spirit, our spirit, the great goodness of which we are part. It is like a cord to all the displeasure has dropped out and a new experience is ready to unfold. Don't allow the mind to get to involved. Stay in the visceral feeling of this goodness. May we all upgrade to this new level of power and purpose. Simply, easily and in cohesion with the all. I think it is really going to be fun when this new energy really fills us in. We will move in ways that work are for our good and the good of the collective. It is happening now and we are part. What an exciting process to be in. I send you all love as we move together and forward. Yippee! I have been on quite the mission since I left PA. I have often reminded myself how bold it was to move so far away from everything I knew. After my daughter announced moving to Costa Rica, I decided I wasn't quite done here. However, infiltrating a community after 56 years in one town is more expanding than I considered.
I love selling the water and shower units. It takes time to build up a team in a new area. I also learn the online way but even that takes me to vulnerability I am not used too. Youth shares far more about themselves than I was taught to. I haven't sold online and as an elder, saw fb as a family report not a money making platform. Of course, it was designed as that kind of platform and I am learning how to use it as such. All new things take a learning curve. It has been fun to learn. Necessity breeds creativity. To get out more I have done many side jobs. I watched kids, worked at a chriopractor, gardened for another, did odd jobs helping people pack to move and have coached other business woman. It has been good for me to do these odd things for it gets me out into a world and town that I am not of. Necessity breeds creativity. Although at times it seems like a mish mosh, I realize that it actually good for my creativity and expanding to be part of community here. I hid for so many years raising my daughter at my flower farm and I truly loved the butterflies, bees, dogs, chickens and goats as my friends. I am not so extroverted as many think. When I go out I want to connect, but I am happy playing in plants most days. Lots of people overwhelm me. Especially with the energy around. I like small groups and deep and giggly conversation. I have many times thought how hard it is to become part of a new place. Yet I chose to stay here and even if it was different than I knew, It has gotten me to know how resilient I am. I have met many to play with, garden with, date, coach, dance with, sell ionizers to and adventure with. It is a bit out of my box but I learn many cool things about myself and others. I look at life as all of it is for my highest good. So when I can't see it, I remember, the world is working for and with me to be what I came to be. My point is that when you need to expand, creativity comes in. We all love creativity. It is fun, unknown, mysterious yet it delights us. I have asked inward so many times, what I am here for? I know the bottom line is health, beauty, sustainability and helping others. That has unfolded in so many ways. In this moment, I can really honor myself for this resilience. I have stretched beyond the quarters of Bucks County Lyn. It has netted me much but I continue to want more. Alittle of this and alittle of that. I inspire you too to see necessity as creativity. It doesn't always feel that way. Necessity is kind of a harsh world or energetic vibration. However, despite the vibe, it digs in at you to really ask what would make me happy to do? How do I want to participate in life out here? What fun ways can I fill in all the areas of life we need nourishment in that isn't hard and exhausting? Fun hopefully too. If you sit through it, it unfolds into beauty. It can get scary but really, if I was cozy I wouldn't expand and keep growing as much. I am an introvert unless we are in my space or I feel strong to go lead and play. I've used energy and wisdom wisely. I feel a huge turn for myself that all the pieces are coming together. It feels delicious! It may not of happened if I wasn't in necessity! Remember the next time you need to expand, it will bring in creative expansion even if it feels weird at first. It will bring in what you want if you go for it. I don't know about you but I am in such a weird state. It feels like all around me is falling apart but inwardly, I am calm and actually quite joyful. Crazy! Any one else feeling this loving energy as the world morphs?
I have all kinds of old thought forms coming up too. Old ideas, fears, panics, confusion, all these wild emotions yet I am calmly watching them pass by. I am noticing and giving them the space to be seen but it is not carrying me into any emotional state. It is quite different as often when fear, panic, confusion comes up, I get scared, could cry, could feel all alone, etc... However, today I am just calmly releasing. It feels like I have this great power inside or watcher that is just letting go of the old and outworn. I am not avoiding these emotions that at others times I would just put a happy face on it. I have problems with no solutions as of yet however, I am not being drawn into the emotional drama of it. I am not trying to do either, it just is. So if you are feeling some crazy odd feelings, just watch. Be in the be of it, not the doing. Often when problems surface we jack out the mind into doing to solve. For some reason that is not how it is coming through right now. I feel like we are in a clearing phase. A new world needs to come forward but there needs to be space for it. So all the pieces of me that are not going to help the current situation seem to be showing up. I am recognizing the parts and emotions without getting engaged in it like other times. Sometimes tears or feelings come but as I look at them, they seem to go away. The usual yipping or grabbing on and funneling to more of those type feelings are not coming up. It feels odd yet really good. I look at this as the letting go of old things. I feel a very lovely feeling at the same time. Just loving on myself, watching this surf and allowing this observation to be the practice rather than the doing to solve. That lets me realize this is a clearing of sorts to allow solutions to come in. I don't even feel like I need to do anything. This is a bit weird as I usually go into solve mode. Yes, they need to be solved and soon yet I am not drawn to do it. Just watching and listening to these pieces of myself as they show up, get their say and then go away. If you find this coming up of situations or emotions happening or things are triggering you, Just WATCH! It is easier in this moment. It is like a victim or confused girl of me is just needing to be heard and released. Making room for solutions, creativity, new expansion and fun answers. This is how I am reading it. It feels cleaning. Very weird and odd. I feel like our world is also showing us the most wild outrageous as well. Rather than react....., notice and if it causes something in you, just watch it. Don't engage. I feel like it is easier to do this where as at other times I had to redirect and it took energy to do this. Today, it is just surfacing, I am watching, it is leaving and all while I am quite calm and solid inside. This is kind of weird to me but welcomed!!! Light to us all as we morph together into something else and we don't know what it is to be. Uncertainty high. Just allow. Creativity works like that. You are doing something creative and don't usually know the full end but embrace the mystery of creating. If you need support, I am always available. I do coaching and have been through quite a transition for many years and have excellent ways to manage and still be in joy. It has become quite a mastery! Love to you all!! Yes, we are all looking for quick ways to find health. This potion, that supplement, diet drugs, this energy drink or that powdered mix, so many options and do they work? I have tried so many things for I am curious and it is my field. Having the podcast, we have interviewed many folks with all kinds of bio hacking, powdered mixes, cleanses, you name it, I have heard of it.
Until I found the ionized hydrogen water, I can't really say I loved any of the things I tried. I am not big on powdered anything for it all tastes the same. I don't really trust most ingredients and for supplements, I am avid about Standard Process Products as the best. I don't really recommend many of the things on the market. They are mostly fads and we need ideas that can stick and change our health in ease that are part of our daily life easily. I am big on real food as medicine. The thing about the water is that it is basic. It is something we already do and it is well documented that our tap, well and bottled water is contaminated. Most don't drink the 8 glasses a day as a minimum because your body doesn't want crappy water. Once you get quality water, you won't go back. You drink more and find many health ails are alleviated. We are 70% water and all systems need adequate amounts. 85% of the people are dehydrated. It creates a big problem on all levels. The acid body, acidosis, is considered the basis of all illness. Simple drinking water can heal us. Crazy we are so uninformed. I get it that the answer seems so simple. I thought that too when this business came my way. I researched it for days from so many angles. From the bad press on it, the good press, the plethora of published medical papers and you tube videos for days. I kept hearing inwardly "Get into water.' That was 4 years ago. Best choice ever!!! I figured at least I would have good water to drink and shower with the 2 appliances. I couldn't lose and I knew it was a powerful healing tool. Just eliminating the chlorine alone was powerful as it's issues, especially with the thyroid, are well documented. As a health and beauty girl, a Clinical Homeopath, a non toxic lifestyle fanatic and one who has spent 4 years interviewing folks on our you tube in the healing arts, I knew this was a solution we need and never consider. If we are so much water it seemed to me a far quicker path to health to treat the 70% of us rather than the 30% with small little changes. It is so easy to drink good water too. Not a big change. We are already drinking water, especially if you are into any kind of health, so it wasn't a "hard" shift at all. Actually quite simple. Not like dieting or guzzling some disgusting powder that you won't stick too. Water is easy. The greater thing for me beyond the drinking was the ability to fully detox my home. Not just buying this laundry detergent or getting a lesser of evils cleaners but using water for it all! That is what was the most exciting to me for this is a huge problem. It takes real detail these days to have truly non toxic stuff. They advertise things are natural and non toxic but with closer attention, they are not. The food is filled with unidentified toxins too so how do we manage this. That is why the ionizer is so perfect a solution! No more label reading of cleaners as I use water for the bathroom, kitchen, windows. glass and laundry. Imagine that. There are 7 types of water so each has it's surface that it cleans. The sanitizer is the best, 100x more effective than bleach. Why don't we know of this hypochlorous acid, 2.5 pH water which is just electric salt water? Meanwhile we use all these toxic products, sanitizers that are off the charts in toxicity!! There has been a solution for years that nursing homes, hospitals and day cares use. Why hadn't I known with my search of over 30 years to live non toxic! So you can clear the inside by using the hydrogen water to detox our body, drag out toxins naturally and allow your body to use what it is made of to create the best health. I personally no longer have eczema that I have lived with for most of my adult life. I no longer have to worry about eating gluten which I always did. After a bit, I lost weight easily by doing nothing but drinking good water. I drop 15 pounds out of no where. Your body detoxes how it needs and eventually the middle weight just left me. The micro-clustered small molecules of water are quickly absorbed into your cells so your body can do its own magic. Very simple. That coupled with the non toxic home in one simple appliance is the fastest health hack there is. It is an investment yet imagine all you save and never have to deal with again. That is what I saw. I am quite lazy and want easy, practical solutions. This is the bomb on that front and why I decided to sell them. It is revolutionary to me. I have been around the block and never had heard of such an appliance let alone an easy answer to a solution I was always investigating. Now I am not so worried about the food. I do buy organic, get many things from farms, use Wild Pastures for my meat and know the water will clear any odd thing that lands in my food. I know my water is the best, my shower water is no only filtered but re-mineralized and my home has no toxins. I use coconut oil for my skin, shampoo bars, make my own toothpaste, use caster oil on my face. Perhaps my mascara or hairspray is toxic but that is about it. A great feeling! I also no longer contribute so largely to the plastic problem. I don't add any toxins to the water table and I feel very sustainable. I am a nature fanatic so that settles my heart too. It is such a powerful solutions with so many benefits. The ionizer lasts about 25 years if maintained. I get new filters, clean it monthly and annually send it to the manufacturer to make sure it is running well. It is a powerful tool but it should be. It gives me my water so I know it is the best and doing me well. It is the simplest health hack I ever found in all my 32 years looking. It solves many problems we face these days and I know I am on the best track with health and sustainability. Do reach out if you are interested in this magic appliance. You also get referral income from it. Many build empires of referrals. It is an opportunity like no other in health from my stand point! Ease and grace in health and beauty my mission! |
Lyn HicksInspiring ways to love your life! Simple writings on how to see life in ways that bring joy, relaxation, oxytocin, health and vitality giggling through life! Archives
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